In Mould Label Films : Definition, Benefits and Applications

In-mould label (IML) term is directly taken from the technique of preparing labels for product moulds or containers. These films are pre-printed polypropylene labels that take the shape of the container after injecting it to mould. It can perform mould labelling used for plastic or paper during manufacturing product containers and via three processes. Blow moulding Inject moulding Thermoforming In this article, we will discuss Inject moulding , as it is a widely used one. Inject Moulding IML As the name suggests itself, the heated molten plastic is injected into the mould, which takes the shape of the container after cooling. In simple words, the outer decoration of the product takes place itself, plus the plastic polymers fuse with mould and are part of the product container. In-moulding labeling is a phenomenal technology that has design flexibility and productivity advantages over traditional post-labeling methods. Distinct textures, designs, colors, an...